Monday, March 12, 2018

Week of March 12

Magnificent Musical Composer:  Nat King Cole
Moving Musical Genre:  Jazz
Magical Musical Concept:  Musical Symbols

Musical Instrument: Clarinet
Special Projects:  St. Patrick Fun

Preschool and Kindergarten
Music and a Movie - PreK3&4 Wubbzy and Kindergarten Peter Cottontail 
I'm a Little Leprechaun
Action Poems/Rhymes:  Leprechaun Stew
Leprechaun Dance
Butterfly, Butterfly...Mr. Frog, Mr. Frog
Butterfly Color Song

1st and 2nd Grade
Music and a Movie - Peter Cottontail

3rd - 6th Grade 
Music and a Movie - St. Louis Blues (The Life Story of WC Handy) 

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Week of March 5

Magnificent Musical Composer:  Nat King Cole
Moving Musical Genre:  Jazz
Magical Musical Concept:  Musical Symbols

Musical Instrument: Clarinet
Special Projects:  St. Patrick Fun

Preschool and Kindergarten
I'm a Little Leprechaun
Action Poems/Rhymes:  Leprechaun Stew
Leprechaun Dance
Butterfly, Butterfly...Mr. Frog, Mr. Frog
Butterfly Color Song

1st and 2nd Grade
Biography of Nat King Cole
Music Symbol Bingo