Moving Musical Genre: Soul
Magical Musical Concept: Treble Clef (Space Notes)
Musical Instrument: Keyboards
Special Projects: NONE
Preschool - Kindergarten
Drum and Keyboard Coloring with Sub
1st - 2nd Grade
Color Label the Keyboard with Sub
3rd - 4th Grade
5th - 6th Grade
Continue Learning Lyrics for the Halloween Song - Boo, Boo, Boogie
Finish Choreography
Lines and Spaces—Have them trace all the notes.
Help them name the notes on the lines. Let them do the space notes on their
own. Remembering the (FACE). F – 1st space, A – 2nd
space, C – 3rd space and E – 4th space
Complete Lost in Space –They should be able to
use FACE to complete the sheet.
5th - 6th Grade
Continue Learning Lyrics for the Halloween Song - Boo, Boo, Boogie
Finish Choreography